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2023-09-27 17:28:08 21好文网 数学教案


Seeds Seeds are buriede deep deep deep In the soil the sleep sleep sleepYellow sun beams bright bright bright Gentle breezes blow blow blow Little seed begin to growÖÐÎÄ£ºÖÖ×ÓÂñµÄ Éî¡¢Éî¡¢Éî¡£ÔÚÍÁÈÀÀËûÃÇ Ë¯¡¢Ë¯¡¢Ë¯½ðÉ«µÄÑô¹âÕÕ¡¢ÕÕ¡¢ÕÕ¡£ÓêµãÂäÏÂÀ´ÇáƮƮ£¬Î¢·ç²»¶ÏµÄ ´µ¡¢´µ¡¢´µÐ¡ÖÖ×Ó¿ªÊ¼·¢Ñ¿ÁË¡£ÊÚ¿Î˼Ï룺ÕâÊÇÒ»¸ö¹ØÓÚСÖÖ×ÓÈçºÎÉú³¤µÄ¹ÊÊÂÐÔÊ«¸è£¬º¢×ӱȽϸÐÐËȤ¡£³öʾ¹Òͼ£¬½âÊÍ£¨Í¨¹ýʵÎï¡¢¶¯×÷¡¢½âÊÍ£©£¬ÀÏʦ¸ù¾ÝÊ«¸èÄÚÈݶ¨Ò嶯×÷£¬È»ºóÈÃѧÉúÁ·Ï°¸ù¾ÝÀÏʦ˵µÄÓ¢ÓïÀ´×ö¶¯×÷£¨Àí½âµÄ¹ý³Ì£©£¬ÏÂÒ»²½ÀÏʦ×ö¶¯×÷ѧÉúÊÔ×Å˵ʫ¸è¡£¾ßÌå²Ù×÷¹ý³ÌÈçÏ£º

Lesson 10

Teaching aims:1¡¢ÄÜÌý¶®ÀÏʦµÄ.¿ÚÁ²¢×÷³öÕýÈ·µÄ·´Ó¦¡£

2¡¢ Ss can understand the meaning of the text.

3¡¢ Ss can say the rhyme according to the actions.

Teaching importants:teaching aims 2¡¢3

Teaching steps:Ò»¡¢Oral English

1¡¢ Greeting:T: Boys and girls ,It`s time for Class.Are you Ready?

Ss:yes ,we are.

T:Ok.Class begins.good morning ,boys and girls.how are you a/

Ss: I`m fine ,thank you.and you?

T:I`m fine ,too.Sit down ,please.

2¡¢ Game:Riding in my car(practise oral English)

¶þ¡¢ Revision rhyme 4¡¢6

1¡¢ show a picture: six little pigs in a house.a boy stole a pig,

Can you say the rhyme ?yes .Review lesson 4

Look at the picture ,how many pigs were left?Ss: Five

What did they do?Can you tell me the story?

Together review 6

Èý¡¢Presentention:1¡¢Teach ¡°seed¡±.method:T:look ,what`s this?Ss:orange

T:you eat it,What`s this?Ss:seed

Extend:Apple seed,water melon seed,

2¡¢ Teach ¡°soil¡¢bury¡±¡£Method:show some soil.T :what`s this?Ss:ÍÁ

T:soil ,let`s bury the seeds(¶¯×÷)bury


3¡¢ Teach ¡°seeds are buried deep deep deep¡±.Explain ¡°deep¡±.

By doing actions.

4¡¢ Teach:Seeds are buried deep deep deep

In the soil ,they sleep sleep sleep.

Method:PerformT act farmer,Ss act seeds.practise with your parter.

5¡¢ Teach ¡°yellow sun,raindrops,gentle breeze¡±

Method:Story:little seeds feel lonely,they want to come out(¶¯×÷)

But they need some friends.Where are their friends?Let`s find .

Sing the song <<find a friend>>.seeds find yellow sun ,raindrops,gentle breeze.greet with each other.read and do the actions.T:say Ss:do______T:do Ss:Try to say.

6¡¢ Teach:Yellow sun beams bright bright bright

Raindrops falling light light light

Gentle breezes blow blow blow

Method:T guide Ss perform ,show the students

Let Ss guess the meaning

T lead Ss together say :½ðÉ«µÄÑô¹âÕÕÕÕÕÕ



T let Ss go back.

Practice :Play in diffriend roles Team1 yellow sun

Team2 raindrops Team 3¡¢4 gentle breezes

Eg:T:yellow sun Ss:bright bright

8¡¢show the last picture ;Little seeds begin to grow(¶¯×÷£¬Òýµ¼Ñ§Éú˵)

ËÄ¡¢Consolidation:1¡¢Words: seeds buried deep sleep yellow sun bright raindrops falling gentle breezes blow grow

method:T :I say Ss:I do ______T:I do Ss: I say

3¡¢ Rhyme 10 (1) read the rhyme in Chinese and English

(2) Listen and repeat (3) perform :farmer seeds yellow sun raindrops gentlebreezes (4) Do and say together .

