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《B Look and learn》(第五册)

B Look and learn》教案 <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

(牛津小学英语3A《Unit 10 Thank you》 第二教时 )


1 能听懂、会说an egg , a hamburger和a cup of tea / coffee 。

2 能使用简单的句子征求对方意见。


1 能正确使用cup和glass。

2 能使用简短的句子征求对方意见。


1 正确朗读单词hamburger。

2 能使用简单的句子征求对方意见。


1 教具准备:磁带、录音机,课前准备好实物(a cake , an egg , a hamburger , a glass of milk , a glass of juice , a cup of tea , a cup of coffee )及相关图片。

2 板书准备:黑板上预先写好课题Unit 10 Thank you 。


A Prepare for the class

say a rhyme : Green tea

Green tea , green tea ,

It is for me .

In the cupboard , I see.

But where’s the key ?


B Presentation and practice(约20分钟)

1 T: Look , it’s six o’clock . It’s time to get up . I’m Mrs Black . She is be my daughter , Nancy . He is be my son , David

Let’s act a dialogue .

Get up , Nancy and David .

N&D: All right . Good morning , Mum .

T: Good morning . Brush your teeth and wash your faces


N&D: OK.

T: (教师手指一杯牛奶问)What do you want for your

breakfast? A glass of milk?

N&D: Yes, thank you , Mum.

T: (手拿蛋糕问)Some cakes?

D: No, thanks.

T: (手拿蛋糕问Nancy)What about you ?

N: Yes, thank you.

T: (手拿鸡蛋问David,并重复几遍)An egg?

D: OK. Thanks . I like it.

T: (手拿鸡蛋和汉堡并帮助理解意思)An egg or a hamburger?

N: A hamburger.(教师引导让学生读出a hamburger)

T: OK. Here you are.

2 T: What did David eat just now?

S: A glass of milk and an egg.(教师出示实物以


T: (板书并领读)an egg.

Ss: (跟读,个别读)an egg.

T: Make phrases (an egg , two eggs , some eggs , my egg,

your egg.)

Ss: (跟说以上词)

T: What did Nancy eat just now?

S: A glass of milk, a cake and a hamburger. (教师出示实物


3 T: (板书a hamburger , 并领读,帮助学生读正hamburger.)

Ss: (跟读,个别读)a hamburger.

S: (看实物个别读)an egg , a hamburger.

4 T: Now let’s go to KFC. I’m not Miss Wan

I’m a seller. Welcome to KFC.


5 T: A glass of juice?

Ss: No ,thanks. / Yes , please .

T: A cup of coffee?

Ss: No ,thanks. / Yes , please .

T: A cup of tea ?

Ss: No ,thanks. / Yes , please .

T: (板书并领读)a cup of coffee, a cup of tea .

S: (跟读,个别读)a cup of coffee, a cup of tea.

6 T: (一手拿杯桔汁,一手拿杯咖啡,让学生观察两种杯子的


S: (看实物跟读)a glass of juice, a cup of coffee.

7 T: What do you like? A glass of juice or a cup of coffee?

S: A glass of juice . / A glass of coffee.

T: What do you like? A glass of milk or a cup of tea?

S: A glass of milk. / A cup of tea.


8 T: Next, Let’s play a game . Taste and guess .(蒙住


C Consolidation


Today we learned some wcrds about foods and drinks . Please look at the picture ,Listen to the tape fecorder, read after it.

2 同桌根据挂图中Nancy和David在饮食店的情景创设对话。如:

N: What do you like? A cup of tea ?

D: Yes , please .

N: A hamburger ?

D: Yes , thanks.

3 学生上台用实物表演以上情景对话。

D Sing a song

At last ,Let’s lean and sing a song :

Class is over .Goodbye,boys and girls!

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