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初三年级英语第一轮复习教学案 执笔人:王宁Book 1 (Units1-4)一、知识要点1. 打招呼用语Good morning. Hello! How are you? How do you do? Nice to meet you.2. Mr,Mrs,Miss3. Excuse me.Are you Mrs White?4. What’s your name?My name is Li Lei?5. ---Sit down, please.--- Thank you.6. What’s this?It’s ….7. Where’s “ B”?It’s here.8. Can you spell it please?9. --- Thank you. --- You’re welcome.10. 介绍用语 This is Lucy. ---Who is that?--- This is Jack speaking.11. Welcome to China.12. What’s … plus/and/minus….?13. What class/grade/row are you in?14. How old are you?I’m twelve.15. Is this/that an egg?Yes,it is./No,it isn’t.二、语法1. be 动词的缩写2. numbers3. this ,that.it 的'用法三、能力测试I. 选择1. --- Good morning. Han Mei! How are you? --- ______A. How are you? B. Good morning. C. Nice to meet you! D.I’m OK.Thank you.2.---Nice to meet you. --- ______.A. Fine B. Thank you C. Hello D. Nice to meet you too3.This is my teacher,____ Gao. She is Chinese.A. Mr B. Miss C. Mrs D. Teacher.4.---____.Can you tell me the way to the cinema?---________.I don’t know. I’m new here.A. Excuse me, Excuse me B. Sorry, Sorry C. Excuse me, Sorry D. Sorry, Excuse me5.--- What ____ are you in? --- I’m _____.A. class, in Grade 1,Class 3 B. class, on Class 3,Grade 1 C. class, in Class 3,Grade 1 D. class, on Class 3,Grade 1.6.--- Can you spell your name, please? ---______.A. Yes,L-I,Li,L-E-I,lei B.Yes,I am C.Good D.OK7.What’s ____ over there?____ is a cat.A.this,This B.that,That C.This,It D.that,it8.Hello!Han Mei,____ is Kate.A.This B.It C.it D.this9.This is ____ English boy.A.a B.an C.x D.the10.---What’s this in English?--- ____ a pen.A.This is B.This’s C.Is D.It’s11.Are you Li Lei?---______.A.Yes,he is B.No,he isn’t C.Yes,I’m D.No,I’m not12.There is _____ “f” in the word “knife”.A.an B.a C.the D./13.--- Nice to meet you.---_____.A.Thank you. B.Good morning. C.Me,too. D.How are you?14.You are very nice.---______.A.Yes,I am B.Good morning C.Thank you D.Fine,thank you15The boy is ______.He is in _____.A.number 8,Class one,Grade one B.Number 8,Class 1,Grade 1C.8 number,Class 3,Grade 1 D.8 number,Grade 3,Class 116.--- Good morning____.---Good morning,Tom.A.Mr B.Mrs C.Miss D.sir17.---_____ is this? ---It’s “E”.A.How B.Hello C.What D.What’s18.哪一种是治感冒发烧的药?A.ABC B.APC C.DDV D.DDT18.---____!Are you Wei Hua?--- Yes,I am.A.Excuse me B.OK C.Hello D.Hi改错:My name is Li Ping.I am a Chinese.划线部分提问1) He speaks English very well.2) The old man knew some Japanese when he was young.3) You are in Grade Three.4) This is a bag.5) Two plus two is four.6) It’s not your pencil.(否定句)7) Kate is 6.8) I’m Number 3,Row 1.(一般疑问句)Ⅱ.将下列短语翻译成英语。1.一个铅笔盒_______ 2.一张地图______ 3.一个桔子__________ 4.一把尺子________ 5.一辆中国吉普车__________ 6.一辆英国自行车________Ⅲ.用a或an填空。______bus,_____o1d bus ______apple ,____ nice apple _____orange,______good orange , _____English name , _____Japanese name_______answer , ________wrong(错误的)answerⅣ.根据上下文,在空格上填上一个恰当的词。1。“_____that?”“It’s a banana.”2.“1s this your desk?”“Yes, ____is.”3.“Is that your book?”“No,it____ .’’4.“what's that__English?” It’s____ desk.”V.用am,is或are填空1._____you a teacher? 2.I_____in C1ass 5,Grade 6.3.You_____in Row 1. 4.My name ____Fangfang.I ____ elever.5.What ___2 plus 3.Ⅶ.日常交际。( )1.初次相见时应说:A.How are you? B. How do you do? C.What's your name?( )2.清晨起来见到妈妈,你应该这样问候:A.How are you,Mum? B.Are you fine,Mum? C.Good morning,Mum?( )3.路遇友人Jim向你打招呼,“How are you?”你应该有礼貌地回答:A.Fine,thank you,Jim. And how are you?B.I’m fine,too,Jim. C.Thank you,Jim.Are you fine,too?( )4.告别时应说: A.Oh,good! B .Hello! C. Coodbye!( )5.打听对方是否是王伟时,应说: A.Hi,Wang wei! B.Sorry,are you Wang Wei? C.Excuse me.Are you Wang Wei?( )6.你去办公室找李老师谈班级工作,老师说:“Sit down,please.”你应答: A.Hello,Miss Li. B.Thank you. C.Yes.Miss Li.( )7.Jack向韩红请教问题,来到课桌前打招呼说:“Hollo ,Han Hong!”她应怎样表示最好? A.How are you,Jack? B.Good mrning,Jack! C.Hello,Jack .Sit down,please.( )8.新来的郭强老师不认识你,问:“What's your name,please?”你应当起立回答:A.My name is Li Lei,Teacher Gao.B.I’m Li Lei,Mr Guo..C.My name is Li Lei,Mr Guo..( )9.下午见面打招呼,应说:A Cood morning B.Cood afternoon C.Cood evening( )10.当你想把赵霞介绍给你爸爸认识时,你应说:A.Dad,this is Zhao Xia. B Dad,she is Zhao Xia C.Dad,that is Zhao Xia.Ⅷ.用不定冠词a,an填空。1.一Is that_____English car? 一No,it isn't.It’s ______Japanese car.2.This is_____ box.That's _____ orange.3.一What's that in English? 一It’s_____ desk4.Miss Gao is___-teacher She is _____ Eng1ish teacher.5.This is_____egg.It’s______good egg.6.This is my_____book That's your_____book7.一Is that_____bus? 一No, it’s _____ old car.8.There is(有)_____“s”in the word“bus".Ⅻ.阅读理解。根据短文意思.选择最佳答案.并将其编号填写在题号前的括号内。Yang:Good morning. Mr White White:Good morning.Miss Yang.Yang:How are you,Mr white? white:I’m fine,thanks.And how are you?Yang: I'm OK, thank you.White: Miss Yang, this is Mrs Rose Lake. This is Miss Yang.Lake: How do you do, Miss Yang?Yang:How do you do, Mrs Lake? Are you English, too?Lake:No, I'm not, but my husband is. Are you a teacher here?Yang:No, I'm a Chinese student, now in Grade 3.Lake: Your English is good. Yang: Thank you. goodbye !Lake: Bye !( ) 1. Miss Yang is_____.A. Chinese B. China C. English D. Japanese( )2. Miss Yang is a __A. grade student B. student of Grade 3 C.a student Grade D. a student of Grade 3( )3. Mr White is______A. five B. fine C. good D. not OK( )4. Mr Lake is______A. Chinese B. English C. China D. Japanese( ) 5. Miss Yang is __, too.A. not OK B. five C. fine D. 10( )6. Miss Yang's English is __A. OK B. no C. not D. yes( ) 7. Mr White is_______A. Chinese B. English C. China D. Japanese( )8. There are______ people in this dialogue.A. One B. two C. four D. three





中考英语复习 语法(词法Ⅰ)08-03





英语:优化中考复习 做好最后冲刺01-24