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Have a good time


教学目标与要点  1. 重点掌握并记忆与旅游这一主题相关的词汇和短语:one-way flight; round trip; Go straight along here. please come this way. have a good time; have a family meeting; talk about; go for our holiday; describe to do something; diving; on the island; press; by oneself等等。   2.能正确运用一些婉转提出建议的句式,联系实际,谈论未来的某一次活动:时间、地点、人物和某些具体事项。  3.掌握有关电脑方面的一些专用语,对电脑的部分程序操作能用英语表达。  4.能读懂有关flight的一些instructions,建立24时制的时间思维意识,以及登机的相关常识。  5.了解并掌握由if或whether及特殊疑问词引导的的宾语从句。  6.掌握方位词的用法,特别是介词的选用。

素质教育目标  1. 在第四单元的基础之上,认真掌握有关宾语从句的基本构成和用法。特别是由一些特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句。  2. 鼓励学生运用所学过的句型与词组短语进行有关的日常会话。  3. 让学生在学习时能体会到旅游的乐趣,并且让学生知道旅游也是一种增长知识的好机会。能够运用所学句型进行与旅行相关的准备活动,旅游信息的搜集,加工以及谈论和表达旅游过程中的感受。   4. 在教学过程中,应当调动各种教学媒体,用以加强学生对语言知识的掌握与理解。  5. 认真引导学生运用各种学习手段进行学习,鼓励学生多方搜集与旅游有关的信息,在课堂中进行英语表达,和同学之间进行信息交换等。以提高同学们的学习兴趣和学习效果。使部分学生能够运用所学过的与旅游主题相关的词组、短语及相关句型谈论自己的旅游经历。


本单元句型及日常交际用语 一、本单元句型  1. Do you kids have any ideas?  2. I think that's a good idea.  3. How about Hainan Island?  4. You can do it by yourself.  5. Hainan island is the second largest island of China.  6. How much does it cost to do something?  7. The price of a ticket from … to … is …yuan one way.  8. Could you tell me how much it costs to fly to Hainan?  9. Could you tell me if there is a flight in the morning on November, 26th?  10. Could you teach me how to search the internet?  11. I'd like to book a ticket/a room, please?  12. Please go straight along here.  13. Please come this way.  14. Could you tell me that's a fast train or not?  15. That's sound very cool.

 二、日常交际用语  1.表示"祝福"   Have a good time!  2.有关电脑方面用语   Double left click on the internet icon.   Left click on any interesting story about. . ..  3.表示"建议"   How about Hainan Island?  4. 表示感叹   Oh, my! /What!   What a surprise!   How surprising/amazing/strange!   My goodness! /Goodness me!   Unbelievable! /Surprising!   It's really a surprise!   I can't believe it/my eyes!   I can hardly believe it!   Well, that's very surprising.  5.其他   That sounds really cool.   I had a great time.

教材内容分析   本单元是围绕"Have a good time"这一话题,结合宾语从句展开教学活动的。以准备旅游,开始旅游,谈论旅游,以旅游为核心主题,集中呈现一系列与旅游相关的词组短语和句型。学习了婉转提出建议的表达方式及"请求和说明"的日常交际用语。要求掌握电脑方面的一些用语,对电脑的部分程序操作能用英语进行表达。能读懂有关flight的一些instructions,建立 24时制的时间思维方式,以及登机的有关常识。讲述了以特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句,要求学生在交谈的过程中,在交际的语境中了解并掌握有关以疑问代词或疑问副词所引导的宾语从句。如:Could you tell me if/whether there is a flight+时间?本单元的内容与我们生活密切相关,应认真学习,掌握一些日常用语和常用词汇及相关常识,为我们日后的travel or trip作好准备。

本单元重点难点分析 1. David and Joy, come on, we're having a family meeting.   大卫、乔伊,快点,我们要开家庭会。  come on在此表示鼓励、挑战、恳求、要求等感叹语,可译作"赶快;来吧;快点"。例如:  (1)Come on, try it again! 来吧,再试一下!  (2)Come on. We are waiting for you. 快点,我们在等你呢。  (3)Come on. The film has begun.赶快,电影开始了。

 2. Could you please tell me where we show our tickets?   你能告诉我们在哪里检票吗?  Could you...?句型中,Could不是过去形式,在此表示语气婉转、有礼貌。在希望得到肯定答复的疑问句中,以及在含有表示建议、请求和征求意见语气的疑问句中,常用some和something,而不用any和anything。  (1)Could you lend me your bike, please?    请把你的自行车借给我好吗?  (2)Would you like to have some drink?     你们想喝点什么吗?  (3)What about saying something about your family?    说说你家庭的情况好吗?  (4)Will you please give the poor boy something to eat?     请给那可怜的孩子一些吃的东西好吗?

 3.Could you tell us how long we're going to be away?    你能告诉我们要去多久吗?  此句是由连接副词how long引导的宾语从句。要注意的是在以连接代词或连接副词引导的宾语从句中,从句的语序要用陈述句的语序。从句的时态要随主句的时态而变化。例如:  (1)Do you know what time the train leaves? 你知道火车几点离开吗?  (2)No one knows why he was late last night.    没人知道他昨天晚上为什么迟到了。  (3)I want to know how many English words you have learned.    我想知道你们已经学了多少英语单词了。  (4)She asked how much it cost.她问它值多少钱。

 4. What's the number of the Smiths' flight out of Beijing?   史密斯全家离开北京的飞机航班号是什么?  (1)flight是fly的名词形式,表示"飞行;航班"等。    例:Flight Number 6141 to Beijing is ready to leave.       去北京的6141次航班马上就要起飞了。  (2)out of从……出来(去),相对的词为into。    如:come out of the room 从房间里出来。    go into the room 到房间里去。

 5. take, spend, pay, cost  四个单词意思均为"花费,使用"。  take常用于It takes(took,will take)sb sometime to do sth;spend构成的句式中,一般以"人"做主语,句型为:spend…on sth或者spend… (in)doing sth;pay构成的句式中,一般以"人"作主语,常用句型为 pay sb for sth 为……付款给……,pay off…付完,偿清……;cost一般以物做主语,可以解释为"花费;价值",它还可做名词,意思是"价值,价格"。  It took my uncle less than two weeks to plant the trees. But it's worthwhile. You see, we paid nothing for all these trees, though they cost us more time and more energy. We spent almost 10 days last month searching everywhere, hunting for a farmer who is willing to offer us free supplies of young trees.

 6.Then there are long white beaches to walk along.along在这里是个副词,表示"向前"的意思。along作副词时,其前面的动词经常用的有:come, go, crawl, walk, drive, float, fly, move, hurry, pass, roll, run, swim等。例如:  Move along, please.请向前走!  Now, go along. 请直走!  Pass the note along.把条子传过去。  She walked along by himself.她一个人向前走。  The days glide swiftly along.岁月如梭。  Come along! 跟我来!

  along 除表示上述意义之外,还可以作"沿着"。例如:  Look at the trees along by the river.看那边沿河的树。  另外,along还可以作介词用。along作介词时,常常的意思是"沿着"。例如:  We went for a walk along the road after supper.  晚饭后我们沿着公路散步。  "Pass along the car, please!" said the conductor.  售票员说:"请往里走!"

 7.Let's see if we can find some information about that city.    咱们看一下是否能找到有关那个城市的一些信息。  Could you tell me whether that's a fast train or not?   请告诉我这是不是快车好吗?  这两句是由连词if和whether引导的宾语从句,意思是"是否"。如果将一般疑问句改为宾语从句时要用if或whether连词引导,宾语从句要用陈述句语序。从句的时态也应随主句的时态变化而变化。if和whether在通常情况下可以互换使用。例如:  (1)Did you know if / whether he would come tomorrow?     你曾知道他明天是否回来吗?  (2)Mother asked if / whether we needed some more tea.     妈妈问过我们是否再要一些茶。

  在下面几种情况下不能用if代替whether:  (1)当 whether与 or not连成一个词组时。例如:    I can't say whether it is going to rain or not.我不知道明天是否下雨。  (2)whether用在不定式前面时。例如:    He can't decide whether to go.他不能决定是否去。  (3)whether引导的从句放在句首时。例如:    Whether this is true, I can't say.不管是不是真的,我说不准。  (4)whether用在介词后面时。例如:    She is worrying about whether she can finish the work on time.    她正担心,她是否能准时完成工作。

 8.I'd like to book four tickets, please. 我想定四张票。  book在此是动词,意思是"预定;买票"。例如:  (1)You had to book early if you want to have dinner in that restaurant.    如果想去那个饭店吃饭,你得早点儿定座。  (2)Have you booked your passage to Shanghai? 你到上海去的舱位定好了吗?  (3)Could I book a ticket through to Hainan Island?     我能买一张直达海南岛的票吗?

 9.That sounds really cool! 这听起来确实很酷!  sound是系动词后跟形容词作表语。类似用法的动词还有:get, turn, smell, taste, feel, look等。例如:  (1)It looks more beautiful in the sun. 在阳光下,它看起来更漂亮。  (2)The dish smells delicious.菜闻起来很香。  (3)I often feel tired.我常感到疲倦。  (4)It tastes better than it looks.它看起来不怎么样,味道还不错。  (5)Her name sounds beautiful.她的名字听起来很好听。

疑问词引导的宾语从句  在宾语从句这一个语法项目中,疑问词引导的宾语从句是比较难于理解的。本单元教学由连接代词和连接副词引导的宾语从句。所谓连接代词和副词,实际上就是我们以前学过的疑问代词和副词,如who, whose, whom, what, which, when, where, why, how以及由how构成的词组。但必须注意两点,一是它们在构成疑问句时叫疑问词,引导宾语从句时称作引导词。一是它们和that不一样,在从句中有含义,担任相关的句子成分,所以不能省略,另外,它们须放在宾语从句之首,宾语从句必须是陈述句结构。学习宾语从句,主要应当注意以下三个方面的内容:引导词,从句语序以及主从句的时态的`一致性。现在以连接词的三种不同情况来进行宾语从句的总结。

 1 连接代词引导的宾语从句。  Can you tell me who will give us a talk?  你能告诉我谁会给我们做报告吗?(who是连接代词)  Show me what you have bought for me? (what 是连接代词,原来的语序是What have you bought for me?)  Please guess which subject I like best?  猜一猜,我喜欢哪一门功课?(which是连接代词,原语序为Which subject do I like best?)  注意:在宾语从句中,其语序为陈述句,其结构为:主句+连接代词+主语+谓语+其他成分。

 2.连接副词引导的宾语从句的用法。  Can you tell me where we show our tickets? (where 为连接副词,其语序应当为:Where do we show our tickets?)  你能告诉我我们应当在哪里剪票吗?  Can you tell me how I can get the information? (how 为连接副词,其正常语序为:How can I get the information?)  你能告诉我怎样才能得到那些信息呢?  Do you know why he is often late for school? (why为连接副词,该句语序为:Why is he often late for school?)  你能告诉我他为什么常常迟到吗?  注意:常用于宾语从句中的连接副词主要有: why, how, where, when. 英语中连接副词与疑问代词是相同的。由连接副词引导的宾语从句为:主句+连接副词+主语+谓语+其他成分。

 3.以连词if或whether 引导的宾语从句。  I want to know if/whether you have already finished your work..  I'm not sure if/whether you will come to the party tomorrow.  I want to know if/whether you are a teacher.  whether/if 的意思是"是否",在宾语从句中是不能省略的,他们引导的原句都是一般疑问句。也就是说,当你判断该宾语从句的原句本该为一般疑问句,则在改为宾语从句时就应当用whether/if。

关于疑问词引导的宾语从句的教学建议  由于第四单元中学生刚刚学过由that 引导的宾语从句。宾语从句对于学生而言已经不是一个陌生的语法项目,但是宾语从句的难点却出现在这一部分。根据教学实践经验来看,学生在学习宾语从句时,最难掌握的是有关宾语从句语序问题。也就是说,学生在初学时会感到不适应。

  而本单元则侧重讲述由连接代词和连接副词引导的宾语从句。首先,教师要给学生讲清这两种连接词的定义。英语中连接代词有:who/whom, what, whose, which。然后利用第20课复习要点中的举例予以说明。  Please tell me who/whom we have to see.  Do you know what should they do next?  The boy asked whose coat it was?  Could you tell me which teacher is the most popular among your students?

  最后,要向学生特别解释清楚,宾语从句的语序为:主句+连接代词+主语+谓语+其他成分。要重点强调虽然宾语从句仍然带有疑问句的含义,但是,从形式上不能再用疑问句的语序。例如:   What does he want to buy?→I don't know what he wants to buy.  (不能说:I don't know what does he want to buy.)  Who are we going to meet?→Can you tell me who we are going to meet?  (不能说:Can you tell me who are we going to meet?)

  由连接副词引导的宾语从句的教学方法与疑问代词引导的宾语从句的教学方法相同。在英语中,连接副词有:when, where, why 和how。

  连接副词在从句中担任某一句子成分,具有一定的意义。现举例来说明该类宾语从句的用法:  He doesn't know why his friends like English so much.  The teacher had to find out why the boy was often late for school.  He couldn't remember where he put his book.  Could you tell us where we'll have the meeting.  Her husband didn't tell her when he would be back.  The girl doesn't know when she must finish her homework.

  同时指出,带有how的词组也可以引导宾语从句。例如:  Could you tell us how often you go abroad for holiday?  Could you tell us how long the meeting will last?  Do you know how far it is to the cinema?  Do you know how many students there are in your school?  Please tell us how much your new blouse cost.  Please tell us how soon you will be back.  Can you tell us how old his brother is ?

  同时应当向学生讲清楚,如果原句是一般疑问句,注意它在复合句中应当用if/whether来引导,语序也应当由原来的一般疑问句语序改为陈述句语序。  最后,让学生参考下面的例句来进行宾语从句的操练。  1. A: Please tell me why you were late for school this morning.    B: I got up too late and didn't catch the first bus. So I was late.  2. A: We don't know what we shall buy for my mother for her birthday.    B: What about a new scarf.  3. A: Can you tell me where I should change planes?    B: Look at your air ticket and you'll find the answer.  4. A: Do you know what I have to take with me for the trip?    B: Your camera, of course.  5. A: Could you tell me how I can find No. 3 Middle School, Madam?    B: Sorry! I don't know. Please ask the policeman over there.


一、 阅读训练  根据中学英语教学大纲的规定,在初中阶段,阅读能力的提高是相当重要的一项能力训练。要提高阅读理解的能力,原因是多方面的。但是有几点是十分关键的,其一,词汇,这是解决阅读语言障碍的基本保证;其二,提高阅读的速度,提高阅读速度是提高阅读效率的一个重要前提。其三,阅读技能,阅读技能的提高是阅读能力提高的一条捷径。在本单元我们重点介绍有关阅读的基本技能的训练。

  在阅读过程中,时刻牢记五个"W"和一个"H"。在任何一个故事,一则新闻或一篇文章中,作者总是要向读者说明何人何时何地为什么怎么干了何事。用英语表示就是who, when, what, where, why 以及how。这就是我们说的五个"W"和一"H"。




二、写作训练  请用英语写一篇值日汇报,向你的同学们介绍一个你去过的农场(农村)。

  [思路讲解]  做值日汇报,先要问候大家。告诉同学们你要介绍那是谁的农场(农村的位置)、它的大小。在那里有些什么庄稼、植物,还有哪些动物?有没有小河、湖泊? 你能在那儿干些什么?你最喜欢的是什么?

  [范例点评]  Hello, everyone!(一般的问候语)   Today I'm going to tell you something about a farm. This is my uncle's farm.(交代谁的农场) It is in a small village near Nanjing.(地理位置)It is a big farm.(大小) My uncle and aunt grow rice and corn on the farm.(庄稼) And they also have many animals there. They have dogs, cows, chickens, sheep and horses.(动物)But they don't use the animals to do farm work any more; they use a tractor. It works faster and better.(农场的现代化)The farm is also very beautiful. There are a lot of flowers on the farm. And you can hear birds singing and sheep bleating(羊叫). There is also a small river on the farm. We can catch fish there or go skating in winter. (美丽的农场令人向往) I love my uncle's farm and I often go there to spend my holiday. Do you want to go with me next time?  That's all. Thank you.(结束语,与前面相呼应)


Lesson 17

Language Focus: 1. some useful expressions  have a good time; have a family meeting; talk about; go for our holiday; describe to do something; diving; on the island; press; by oneself

 2. the Object Clause  Could you tell us how long we're going to away?

Properties: Recorder: Overhead Projector; Pictures; computer

Teaching Procedures: Ⅰ. Showing aims  Have the students know what they will learn in this lesson and what they will do in this class:  1. Master some useful expressions.  2. Study the Object Clause.  3. Make similar dialogues.  4. Know something about Hainan and know how to search Internet.

 Ⅱ. Revision  1. Check homework.  2. Revise the Object Clause. Play games, have the students work in pairs.   T: I often travel with my family.  S1: What does she say?  S2: She says she often travel with her family.  S3: What did she say?  S4: She said that she often traveled with her family.     Make sure the students can ask and answer correctly.

 Ⅲ. Presentation  Tell the students that they'll have a holiday. Get them to discuss how they will spend the holidays. Divide the class into small groups, then ask one student of each group to give their report.  Where would you like to go to?  Can you describe the place in English?

 Ⅳ. Read and act  Part 1. Speech Cassette. Ask:  What are they going to talk about?  Where are they going for their holiday?  How long are they going to be there?  Do they know Hainan well?   How will they know it before they go to Hainan?  Have the students listen to the tape, try to find the answers to the questions. Check with the whole class. Play the tape again for the students to repeat. Give the students a few minutes to practice the dialogue in pairs. Ask one pair to act it out.

 Ⅴ. Learn and speak  Have the students look at the computer, and ask: Could you tell me how to search the Internet? Find a student who can search the Internet, help him or her answer with: OK, let me tell you. Use the instructions to help. Ask the other students to answer and get them to play the computer. Make sure all of them can say and play.Ⅵ. Workbook  Do Exercise 2 in class. Check the answers in pairs. The answers are: 1. What he is; 2. Where; 3. How many; go to; 4. Who; 5. When Sam is; 6. Why; 7. How long; 8. exciting

 Ⅶ. Exercise in class  Watch the picture, and answer the questions below:  Could you tell me something about travel?  Who like to travel by plane? Why?

 Ⅷ. Homework  1. Learn to search the Internet. Write down the instructions.  2.Try to make up a dialogue after the model in the text.


Lesson 18

Language Focus:  the useful expressions:  Hainan Island; the second largest; the capital of; in the northeast of; no matter; click on; some information about; be fanmous for; a deer park; the edge of, the sky and the rim of the sea.

Properties: Recorder; Overhead Projector: Pictures

Teaching Procedures: Ⅰ. Showing aims  Have the students know what they will learn in this lesson and what they will do in this class:  1. Master some useful expressions.  2. Read the Information from the Internet.  3. Know something about Hainan Island.

 Ⅱ. Revision  1. Revise Lesson 17. Ask: Could you tell me how to search the Internet? Have the students say out the instructions. Make sure the students can say correctly.  2. Ask one student to come to the front, ask another student to leach him how to search the Internet, just act according to the instructions if it can't be done in class.  3. Revise the Object Clause in Lesson 17. Ask the students to make up sentences. Then ask the students to act out the dialogue of Part 1 in pairs.

 Ⅲ. Pre-read  Show a map of Hainan on the slide. Get the students to find out "HaiKou" and divide the students into small groups to discuss about Hainan Island. Ask: Do you have some knowledge about Hainan? How do you know about it? Have some students share their ideas with the class.

 Ⅳ. Read  Part 2. Speech Cassette. Books closed. Get the students to listen to the tape. Then books open, read the passage loudly, and find the answers to the questions of Exercise 1 in the workbook. Check the answers in pairs.

 Ⅴ. Practice  Play a game. Ask one student to act as a tourist to show the other students around Hainan Island. He can introduce the scenery and the food to the other students. Any information is OK. First play this game in small groups, then in front of the class.

 Ⅵ. Read and complete  Have the students work in pairs to complete the dialogue. Then ask some pairs to read the dialogue, and check the answers with the whole class.  Note:   1. Have you found out what we can do on Hainan Island?  2. no matter    No matter how he will say, I won't believe him.  3. Let's see if we can find some information about that city.  4. be famous for     Hangzhou is famous for it's beauty.  5. The edge of the sky and the rim of the sea

 Ⅶ. Workbook  Do Exercise 2 with the whole class. First get the students to do it individually, then ask one student to read the passage for the class to check the answers.  Do Exercise 3 in class. Have the students make up similar dialogues in pairs.  Do Exercise 4 after clas.

 Ⅷ. Exercises in class  Listen the type and answer:  Who went on the picnic over the weekend?   What did they take to the picnic?   What did they see in the park?

 Ⅸ. Homework  1. Finish off the exercises in the workbook.  2. Ask the students to retell the text in the following class.教学设计方案

Lesson 19

Language Focus: 1. Useful expressions   cost; the price of the ticket; one- way; round-trip; instructions; at the airport; book

 2. Could you tell me where we show our tickets?   Could you tell me how much it costs to fly to Hainan?

Properties: Recorder; Overhead Projector; Pictures

Teaching Procedures: Ⅰ. Showing aims  Get the students to know what they will learn in this lesson and what they will do in this class:  1. Master some useful expressions  2. Use Object Clause freely  3. Make up their own dialogues to practice speaking English  4. Know something about the instructions for the trip

 Ⅱ. Revision  Revise Lesson 18. Get some information about Hainan. See if the students can use the expressions correctly, and see if the students can know Hainan Province.

 Ⅲ. Presentation  Present a short dialogue with a student as example get the other students to practice.  T: Could you tell me how I can get to Hainan?  S: Oh, by plane.  T: By plane? Could you tell me how much it costs to fly to Hainan?  S: Where are you flying from?  T: From Beijing.  S: The price of a ticket from Beijing to Hainan is 1000 yuan.  T: Oh, could you tell me what time the flight is?  S: There is a flight at 7:30 in the morning.  T: Great. I'd like to book 3 tickets.  Have the students practice this dialogue in pairs. Make sure they can make dialogues freely. Get the students to guess the meaning of the words: flight; book.

 Ⅳ. Read and act  Part 1. Speech Casette. Play the tape twice for the students to listen and repent.   Note: one-way trip (that is a flight only one place to another.)  Round-trip (that is a flight from one place to another, then return.)

 Ⅴ. Practice  Practice the dialogue of Part 1 in pairs. Give the students a few minutes to prepare to act it out. Get two students to act out the dialogue in front of the class.

 Ⅵ. Ask and answer  Read through the instructions with the whole class. Have the students ask and answer in pairs. Then ask the students to write a short passage about the Smiths' trip.

 Ⅶ. Practice  Make a surrounding of the airport. One student cuts as Mr. Smith. The other one cuts as a woman. Mr. Smith asks the woman for help, make up their own dialogues in pairs, and get some of them to perform their dialogues to share with the whole class.

 Ⅷ. Workbook  Do Exercise! In pairs. Get the students to talk about the Smith family's trip to Haikou in pairs, with the help of the passage in the text.  Discuss Exercise 2 with the whole class. Then make them ask and answer in pairs.  Exercises for class  Write a short dialogue about a flight. (at least 8 sentences)  For example:   A: Could you tell me what time the first flight is from Beijing to Guangzhou?  B: At 7:30.  A: And can you tell me how much it costs to fly from Beijing to Guangzhou?  B: 900 yuan one-way.  A: Great! I'd like to book tickets, please.  B: Will that be one-way or round-trip?  A: Round-trip. We'll return next Monday.  B: OK.

 Ⅸ. Homework  Read the dialogue again, learn to read the flight timetable, and learn to ask for help.

  Homework  1.Finish the Exx. In the workbook.  2.Try to retell the text in lesson 18.


Lesson 20

Language Focus:  1. Useful expressions: think about; get a chance; take  2. Grammar: the Object clause    I'm not sure where I want to go on holiday.

Properties: Recorder; Overhead Projector; pictures

Teaching Procedures: Ⅰ. Showing aims  Have the students know what they will learn in this lesson and what they will do in this class:  1. Revise some useful expressions of Unit 5.  2. Study the grammar: the Object Clause.  3. Know how to get the information about trips.  4. Learn how to make a conversation about trips.  5. Know more about Hainan.

 Ⅱ. Revision  1. Revise some useful expressions of Unit 5. Get the students to make sentences with them.  2. Play "What did he ask?" in groups of three. Make sure the students can use the Object Clause correctly.  3. Ask one student to introduce something about Hainan.

 Ⅲ. Listen   Part 1. Listening cassette. Play the tape twice for the students to listen and do Exercise 1 in the workbook. Play the tape again for the students to check the answers. Then check with the whole class. See if the students can understand.Ⅳ. Read and act  Part 2. Speech Cassette. Books closed, play the tape. Ask:  How did Joy think about his trip to Hainsn? (wonderful)  How did Lily feel when she heard about the scuba diving? (really cool)  Get the students to find the answer to questions, then check with the class. Play the tape again. Get the students to listen and repeat. They should match their intonation with the dialogue on the tape.  Books open. Practice the dialogue in pairs. Get some pairs to act out the dialogue, without looking at the books if possible.

 Ⅴ. Practice  Have the students work in pairs. Encourage the students to make up their own dialogues.

 Ⅵ. Ask and answer  Part 3. Work in pairs. Give the students a few minutes to prepare their dialogues. Ask four pairs to share their dialogues with the whole class.

Ⅶ. Presentation  Ask one student to act as a traveler, the teacher acts as a waiter at the travel office. Precent a dialogue like this:  T: May I help you?  S: Could you tell me where I can book a room?  T: Oh, the Sunshine Hotel.  S: Do you know how much it costs?  T: 200 yuan a day.  S: How many restaurants do the Sunshine Hotel have?  T: Two.  Have the students practice this dialogue in pairs, then make the students make up their own dialogues, ask some of them to share their dialogues with the class.

 Ⅷ. Look, speak and say  Tell the students that they're traveling on Inner Mongolia. Ask them to read the three brochures. Then ask the students to write a short passage about their stay at one of the hotels in Inner Mongolia. They can choose any hotel.

 Ⅸ. Workbook  For Exercise 2. Get the students to read the words.  For Exercise 3. Have the students discuss what they need during the traveling.  For Exercise 4. Get the students to read to read in pairs. Then make up similar dialogues. It can be done after class.  Do Exercise 5 as homework.

 Ⅹ. Summary

Exercises for class

  Complete the passage  My family ________ ________ ________ holiday soon, we are thinking ________ ________ to Hainan. I beard the ________ ________ there was ________ ________, so I want to have a scuba lesson first, and I think it ________ ________ wonderful. And I ________ think the fish and the coral reefs are ________. I hope I will ________ ________ ________ ________ there.Answers: is going on about going best thing scuba diving must be also beautiful have a good time

 Ⅺ. Homework  Finish off the exercises in the workbook Revise Unit 5.探究活动

对话练习  对话练习是中学英语课堂教学过程中的一项十分重要练习形式。在课堂教学中,我们可以积极地利用这一训练形式,以提高学生的口语水平和英语思维的能力。在本单元中为了加强对宾语从句的练习,可以设计以下的对话练习。

 A组:连锁对话练习  1)A: What are you going to do?   B: What did he say?   C: He asked what you were going to do .  2)A: Where did you go last Sunday?   B: What did she say?   C: She asked where you went last Sunday.  以上对话练习可以采用替换句中的有关词语,在各个小组之间做连锁练习。

 B组:采访报道练习  先要求学生设计一个采访提纲,确定采访对象,实施采访,然后就采访作一个现场报道。  设计采访提纲:  问题如下:  1、What did you learn yesterday?  2、Where did you go yesterday?   3、What did your parents do yesterday?  4、What did your mother buy yesterday?  采访结束之后,然后准备一个现场报道,在组内向同学们作一个报道,但是在报道中要求同学们要尽量运用宾语从句。如:  LiLei said that he …His parents said …

 C组:设计一个主题演讲。以My last journey为题。要求学生准备一个一分钟的小型演讲,在各个小组进行表演,然后每个小组派一名同学到班内进行表演。

迅速阅读后进行思考  给学生们限时阅读,然后给出思考题,马上提问学生,检查他们的速读是否快而准确。

  The Browns live next to the Smiths. Mr Brown's name is John. But when everyone talks about him, they call him "Mr Going-To-Do". Do you know why? Mr Brown usually says he is going to do something, but he never does it.

  Every Saturday Mr Brown goes to the Smiths' back door and talks to Mr Smith. He usually says he is going to do something: "I'm going to clean my house today", "I'm going to wash my car tomorrow", or "These trees in front of my house are too big, I'm going to cut them down next week".

  Mr Smith usually says, "Are you, John?" He knows he is not going to clean his house, or wash his car, or cut down any trees. Then he says, "Well, excuse me, John. I'm going to do some work in the house. " And so he does.

  Mr and Mrs Smith often say to their only child Dick, "Are you going to do something? Then do it! Don't be another 'Mr Going-To-Do'! "

 1. 注解 (1) Mr Going-To-Do 只说不做的先生 (2) the Browns   布朗一家人。   "the+姓氏+s" 表示"某人一家"。下文的the smiths表示"史密斯一家" (3) never      从不 (4) cut       砍

 2.思考题 (1) Why do people call Mr Brown "Mr Going-To-Do"? (2) Have you ever met this kind of person like "Mr Going-To-Do"? Talk about him or her. (3)Which one is worse, "Mr. Going -To-Do" or "Mr Know-All? " Why?

听短文测试题训练技巧  准备一篇短文听力,先把本篇短文的思考题读给学生听,然后放短文朗读的声音,听后,再读一篇思考题给学生,让他们在事先有思想准备的情况下进行听语篇的训练。提醒他们,要注意听句子和语篇,而不是听单词。以此提高学生听力。现在我们先来听今天测验的三个问题。  第一个问题是:   M: Who went on the picnic over the weekend?   第二个问题是:   M: What did they take to the picnic?   第三问题是:   M: What did they see in the park?   现在我们再听英文老师用慢速度把整段文章念一遍.   Henry's family had a picnic over the weekend. They asked their friends, Nancy and her husband, to go with them. On Sunday morning, Henry's wife, Kate, got up early to prepare sandwiches for the picnic. She asked Henry to get some soft drinks. Henry told her that they were in the refrigerator. Then Kate asked him to get the picnic basket ready. She also reminded him that he should put paper plates and napkins in it. At 10 o'clock in the morning Nancy called and told Henry that she would like to bring something to the picnic. Kate called her back and asked her to bring a bottle of wine. Nancy and her husband arrived at noon. The two families went to a nearby park. A small river runs through the park. There were tables and benches under the trees beside the river. The weather was cloudy but it didn't rain. Everybody enjoyed the picnic and it was a very relaxing Sunday afternoon.

  现在请你回答今天测验的三个问题。每回答一个问题就请你听老师念正确答案。  第一个问题是:   M: Who went on the picnic over the weekend?   F: Henry's family, Nancy and her husband went on the picnic over the weekend.   第二个问题是:   M: What did they take to the picnic?   F: They took sandwiches, soft drinks, paper plates, napkins and a bottle of wine to the picnic.   第三个问题是:   M: What did they see in the park?   F: They saw a river, trees, tables and benches in the park.

写出买飞机票的过程  将学生分组进行练习,根据第19课的课文写出买飞机票的过程和相关的注意事项。  MR SMITH: Could you tell me how much it costs to fly to Hainan?  WOMAN: Where are you flying from?  MR SMITH: From Beijing.  WOMAN: The price of a ticket from Beijing to Haikou is 1,000 yuan one-way.  MR SMITH: Could you tell me if there is a flight in the morning on November, 26th?  WOMAN: Just a minute, please. I have to check my computer. Yes. There's a flight at 8:15 in the morning.  MR SMITH: Great! I'd like to book four tickets, please.  WOMAN: Would you want one-way or round-trip?  MR SMITH: Round-trip. We'll return on the 8th of December. Is that possible?  WOMAN: Yes. Four tickets on November 26th to Haikou and returning to Beijing on December 8th.

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