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关于经典英语教案推荐:Country music


  Teaching aims and demands


  Teaching important and different points


  value, remain, anger, equipment, however, appear, make fun of, think of, so far, once more, no longer


  Haven’t you heard of…?

  That’s a good idea!

  You’d better…

  I think you’d enjoy it.

  Why not…?

  Why don’t you…?




  建议教师在上课时在导入课时给学生放一些相关的音乐欣赏,在听读练习时可放入多媒体形式,利用对话中的日常生活用语,谈论学生所熟悉的歌星、影星和球星,for example: haven’t you heard of….. 最后朗读并编演对话。


  本篇课文主要介绍了美国乡村音乐在不同时期、年代人们的思想观念的不同及追求人生的目标,用歌曲就能体现出来,如:1990s、1950s、1960s. 而现在的美国乡村音乐从它的主题思想、范围、歌手及使用的乐器都所不同。


  辨析hear, hear of和hear from

  1) hear 听见;听说(多跟从句)

  He listened carefully but could hear nothing. 他仔细听,但什么也没听到。

  2) hear of 听说

  Have you heard of the name of Whitney Houston?你听说过惠特尼·休斯顿的名字吗?

  3) hear from 接到…,来信,后接某人

  Linda heard from her pen friend in England yesterday.琳达昨天收到了她的英国笔友的来信。

  辨析 however和 but



  I really dont like cheese, but I will try just a little this time.我实在是不喜欢吃奶酪,但是这次我要尝一点。


  It was raining hard. However, we went out to look for the boy. 雨下得很大,不过我们还是出去寻找那个孩子。

  辨析electrical 与electric

  1)electrical 指“电气的”,表示与电有关的;

  an electrical engineer 电气工程师

  electrical work 电工话 electrical energy 电能

  2)electric是“用电的”, 表示由电操纵或由电产生的。

  an electric lamp /light 电灯an electric clock 电钟

  an electric bell 电铃 an electric fan 电扇

  辨析alone, lonely


  alone 强调客观上独自、独立的、单独一人在句中多作表语。如:

  He feels alone. 他感到孤独。


  He lives alone. 他单独生活。 .. .

  lonely 只作形容词,“孤独的,寂寞的”,带有主观上的.感情色彩,形容失去朋友,缺乏友爱和帮助,感到寂寞或悲哀。在句中作定语或表语。lonely用于地点时,意为“荒凉的、偏僻的”。例如:

  Do you feel lonely when you lived alone in the lonely house?当你独自住在那个偏僻的屋子里时,你感到寂寞吗?

  辨析appear, seem 与 look

  appear 强调外表给人某种印象,有时含实质上并非如此的意思。其后不可接as if从句。

  He appears to know more than he really does.

  It appears that we have to go there.

  seem暗示有一定根据判断,这种判断往往接近事实,其后可接不定式,that或as if从句;

  It seems as if he were in a daydream. (常用虚拟语气)


  You look very tired. Why don’t you have a rest?


  1. value的用法

  value: 价值,购买力;有用性。常用作不可数名词。

  Do you know the value of health? 你懂得健康的价值吗?

  本单元还出现了fun, anger, beauty, success 等表抽象概念的名词,一般情况下为不可数名词,beauty和success有时作可数名词。如:

  His sister is a beauty. 他姐姐长得很漂亮。

  The party was a great success.晚会很成功。

  Failure is the mother of success. 失败乃成功之母。

  She is filled with anger.她相当愤怒。

  What fun! 多么有趣!

  2. remain的用法

  remain: 保持(某种状态),仍旧是;留下。其常见用法是:


  He remained silent all the time. 他一直保持沉默。

  remain 作不及物动词。如:

  After the fire, nothing remained of the house.


  3. make fun of的用法

  make fun=laugh at取笑。如:

  Nobody likes to be made fun of. 没人愿意让人取笑。


  make a mistake 出差错 make sure 保证

  make friends with 与……交朋友 make the bed 整理床铺

  be made of/from 由……制成 make faces 做鬼脸

  make a noise 弄出声 make a phone call to. . . 给……打电话

  4. think的用法

  1)think vt. 认为、相信,与consider和believe 同义,主动语态常用 think +宾语+宾语补足语或think + that clause

  The book is thought (to be) quite useful for the beginners of English.人们认为这本书对英语初学者很有用。

  I dont think money the most important.我认为钱不是最重要的东西。

  We all think him a clever boy.我们都认为他是个聪明的孩子。

  2)think well of对……印象很好”。其近义词有think highly of, speak highly of。如:

  He spoke highly of our city. 他对我市评价很高。

  3)think可与 about/of/over等介词或副词构成短语

  Everyone is thinking about/of (想着) our bright future.

  I hope you will think it over. (仔细考虑)

  I cant think of (想起) his name at the moment.


  Lesson 41

  1. They are talking about the coming weekend. 他们在谈论这个周末怎么过。

  l) coming是形容词,作“即将到来的”或“正在到来的”解。the coming weekend (the weekend that is coming) 指本周的周本(即将到来的周末),但(a the coming week (the week that

  is coming) 指的是下周,即the next week。又如:the coming Friday (即将到来的星期五), 在星期五以后说,指的是下星期五。

  He wants to visit Hangzhou during the coming month.他想下个月去杭州玩玩。


  Havent you heard of him?难道你没有听说过他吗?

  3. I think youd enjoy it. 我想你会喜欢它的。

  Youd better hurry and buy a ticket then. 你最好赶快去买一张票。

  这两个句子中的youd都是缩略式,但第一句的you’d 是you would的缩略式;而第二句中的you’d 是you had 的缩略式。

  Lesson 42

  1. Song writers are no longer writing about the modern values of the USA…歌曲作者不再写美国的现代价值……

  1)no longer 作“不再”解,通常放在行为动词的前面,但如果是动词be, 则放在be之后。

  Annie no longer lives here. 安妮不住在这儿了。

  2)“no longer”常常可以用“not . . . any longer/more”来代替。前者用于肯定句,后者用于否定句。Annie does not live here any longer/more.

  2. Instead they are writing once more about things that are common for every one .... 而他们现在再一次写常人常事……

  1)once more与once again 同义,作“再一次”解,在句中作状语。

  Please say that word once more /again. 请把那个单词再说一遍。

  2)more 构成的其它短语,如:more and more (越来越……),more or less(或多或少,大约)。

  3. During these years many young students were angry with society, so songs were often full of anger.在那些岁月里,许多年轻学生对社会愤愤不平,因此,歌曲里往往充满怒气。



  hunger (n.)-hungry (adj.饥饿), flower(n.)-flowery(adj.如花的;多花的)

  4)be/get angry 生气。后面可跟不同的介词,如:be angry with sb. 生某人的气;be angry about/for sth. 因某事而生气。

  Dont be angry with me for my being late.不是因为我迟到了而生我的气。

  What are you angry about? 你为什么生气呢?

  5. Singers do not just come from the States but from all over the world. 乡村音乐的歌手不仅来自美国,而且来自世界各地。

  句中的just作“仅仅”解,“not just . . . but”相当于“not only . . . but also”,意思是“不仅……而且……”。

  She is not just a student but a singer. 她不仅是学生,而且是歌手。

  Lesson 44



  He would like to go, but he can’t. 他想去,但是不能去。

  however 有“然而”、“尽管”。不能像but一样直接连接两个分句,必须另起新句,并用逗号分开。可以放在句首,也可以插在句子中间。

  It’s raining hard. However, I think we should go out. 雨下得很大,不过(尽管如此)我想我们还是应该出去。

  He hasn’t arrived. He may, however, come late. 他还没有到,不过他可能来得晚一点。

  2. So far I haven’t had any success. However, I’ll keep trying. 到目前为止我还没有取得成功,不过我会继续试下去的。

  so far作“到现在为止”同现在完成时连用。

  We have not heard about 1500 English words. 到现在为止,我们已学过了1500个英语单词。

  keep doing sth. 表示“继续干某事”的意思,强调动作的连续不断。

  We must keep going forward. 我们必须不断前进。


  A. 过去完成时的主要用法

  过去完成时“助动词had + 动词的过去分词”,在过去某一时间或动作以前已经完成的动作。可以用图表来表示这时间的概念:

  When we arrived at the theatre, the play had already started. 句子中的When – clause的动作(arrive)发生在图中的过去一点时间上(Past),而主句的动作(start)发生在“过去的过去”,亦即在before这个时间点戏剧就已经开始了。上述句子的主句中之所以要用过去完成时态(had started),是因为从句中的动作(arrived)是发生在过去。下面再进一步说明一下:

  例 句


  When I got to the but stop, the bus had gone.



  I had worked for 5 years here before she came to our school.





  例 句




  1)Li Ming saw the film yesterday.


  2)He cycled to town, parked his bike near a bookshop and entered. 他骑车进城,把车停放在一家书店旁,就进去了。



  Li Ming said he had seen the film the day before. 李明说他是前天看的电影。


  By the time we got to the cinema, the film had begun.


  在有when, after, before, as soon as, until等连词的复合句中,如主句与从句谓语动作是在不同的时间发生的,先发生的用过去完成时,若两个动作紧接着发生,则主从句都可用一般过去时。

  1)When I woke up, it had already stopped raining. 我醒来时,雨已经停了。

  2)After I (had) finished my homework, I went to bed. 完作业后,我就睡觉了。


  She said to me, “I saw the film.” 她对我说:“我看过这部电影。”

  She told me that she had seen the film.她告诉我她看过这部电影。


  I wish I hadnt missed the train. 要是赶上了火车就好了。


  1.He _____to the lab than he set out to do the experiment.


  nbsp; has no sooner got B. no sooner got

  B. will no sooner got D. had no sooner got

  2.They ask me to have a drink with them. I said that it was at least ten years since I _____a good drink.

  A. had enjoyed B. was enjoying C. enjoyed D. had been enjoying

  3.Helen_____her key in the office so she had to wait until her husband _____ home.

  A. has left; comes B. left; had come

  C. had left; came D. had left; could come

  4.I finally got the job I dreamed about. Never in all my life____ so happy!

  A. did I feel B. I felt C. I had felt D. had I felt

  5.The students_____ busily when Miss Brown went to get a book she _____ in the office.

  A.had written; left B. were writing ; has left

  C. had written; had left D. were writing; had left

  答案:DACDD教学设计方案Lesson 41

  Teaching Aims

  1. To help the Ss understand the dialogue fully and to improve the students abilities of listening and speaking.

  2. To learn how to talk about people like some film stars, players and so

  3. To review the Past Perfect Tense to make the Ss understand the usage of it and use it with high proficiency.

  Step I Warming--up

  1) Do you like to listen to music? What kind of music do you like best? Why?

  2) Do you like English songs?

  3) Can you tell me some of the songs you often listen to and the singers you like best?

  Step II Listening

  T plays the tape to the Ss twice, then think about the following questions

  1.What is Jackie going to do on Saturday evening?

  2. Where is the famous singer going to perform on Saturday?

  1) going to a concert Saturday evening.

  2) at the New Theatre.

  Step III Reading

  2. Let the Ss judge whether the following statements are true or false according to what they read carefully in the dialogue. Do it orally.

  1) Jackie is going to see a film by John Denver on Saturday. F

  2) John Denver is singing at the New York theatre. F

  3) The music that Denver sings is American country music. T

  4) Yang Pei isnt going to hear Denver because she doesnt have a ticket. F

  5) Yang Pei knows a lot about Denver. F

  6) Most of Denvers songs are written by himself. T

  7) A program of his music was broadcast on TV last month. F

  8) Jackie suggests that Yang Pei buy a ticket. T

  Step IV Grammar study

  1. Allow the Ss a few minutes to read the dialogue in Part 3 in pairs and pick out the sentences in the Past Perfect Tense.

  2. Give the Ss a brief revision about this tense by providing some examples and supply them with some sentences to differ the Simple Past Tense from the Past Perfect Tense.

  Step V Summary and further practice


  Tell the Ss in this period we have learnt something about John Denver, made some dialogues with the expressions in it and reviewed the Past Perfect Tense.

  2.Further practice

  1) Get the Ss to do Ex.3 on Page 107 in the Wb in pails. Then ask several pairs to read out their answers to the whole class.

  2)If time permits, ask the Se to make a short passage orally about John Denver and let some of them speak out. The Ss may also do it after class.

  Step Ⅵ Homework

  Finish off Ex. 1 and 2 on Page 107 in the Wb and Part 2 and 3 on Page 43 to review the Past Perfect Tense.

  Lesson 42教学设计方案

  Teaching Aims

  1. To make clear some difficult sentences in this passage.

  2. To help the Ss get some knowledge about American country music, its development, its subjects and the causes why it has returned.

  Step I Revision

  Check the Wb. exercises

  Step II Warming-up

  1.The T plays pieces of music which have been prepared, for example: “Country Road”. Then collect the information in a list. “country, sky, mountains, wind, tree, road...”

  2.The T asks them the following questions?

  1) Do you like this song? Can you sing it? Do you want to learn more about American country music?

  Step III Listening

  T plays the tape to the Ss twice, the ask them the following questions:

  1)Why do we say that American country music has become big business?

  2) Why do you think that the first country singers sang songs while playing the guitar?

  Keys:1)Because it brings in between 200 and 400 million dollars a year.

  2) Because it was easy for these singers to carry a guitar on their travels.

  Step IV Reading

  1. First ask the Ss to divide the whole passage into two parts and sum up the main idea of each par



  Part1(1,2,3) American music in different times.

  Part2(4,5,6) American country music.

  2. Allow them a few minutes to find out the subjects of American country music in different times. And collect their answers on the Bb.




  1) Love—getting or losing a boyfriend or girlfriend.

  2) Money was also thought to be important.


  1) Young people were angry with society. Songs were full of anger.

  2) Political leaders .were not well thought of and those songs often made fun of them.


  1) Feeling alone in the modem world

  2)the value of having good friends and so on.

  3. Ask the Ss to concentrate on Part Two. Allow them some minutes to read Paragraph 4,5 and 6, and fill in the following form.









  The good old days People thought well of each ther. people loved life in the open air.



  All parts of the States,from Angeles in the west to New York in the east

  Singes do not just come the Stats but from all over the world.



  Step V Langue points

  1) Then in the 1960s the songwriters turned to other subjects. = In the 1960s the songwriters changed their ideas and they began writing about other subjects.

  2) Political leaders were not well thought of. = Political leaders were not respected or supported by people, especially by the young people.

  3) In the “good old days”, people thought well of each other. = In die past, people respected each other, loved each other and cared about each other.

  II Fill in the blanks

  make a plan for make fun of make faces

  make a film make friends make mistakes

  make sure make a decision make a record

  1. It is easier to lose friends than to___________.

  2. It is no good to ____ other students.

  3. Our problem is who can help us to ____ of OUT songs.

  4. We cant decide it today. But we should ____ tomorrow.

  5. Tom often ____ behind the teacher to make others laugh.

  6. I think you d better ____ your travel next week.

  7. She has made several records, but not yet ____.

  8. Try to speak English as often as possible. Dont be afraid of ____.

  9. I think it is a good idea to call him to ____ if he has got the plane ticket ready for you.

  Step VI Further discussion

  “For what reason does Country music return in America in the 1990s?”

  Allow the Ss some time to discuss in groups and give them chances to express their ideas. Collect their answers and don’ t forget to praise them even if their answers may not be perfect.

  Step VII Homework

  1. Read the passage again.

  2.Finish Ex.2, 3 on Page 108,Ex.3 on Page 110 and Ex.2, 3 on Page 111.


  1.Describe you like the most singer, Then give them a brief introduction about him or her. For example:

  John Denver is an American singer. He doesn’t sing pop music, but country music. He is very successful. He has made a lot of records and is often broadcast on the radio and on TV. ….

  2.Why some people and students love country music? What’s the origination?

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