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2023-10-02 16:51:45 21好文网 英语教案

°ËÄ꼶Ä꼶ÏÂѧÆÚ Lesson 101½ÌѧÉè¼Æ

Lesson 101½ÌѧÉè¼ÆʾÀý

Period: The First Period

Properties: Overhead projector, some objects

Teaching aims:

1. Knowledge aims

Students should grasp: ¢Ùthe Past Continuous Tense; ¢Úthe Superlative forms of adjectives and adverbs; ¢Ûthe subjects they learn.

2. Ability aim

Students should make some sentences with the past continuous tense.

Language focus:

1. The Past Continuous Tense

2. The Superlative forms: the most popular, the best

3. as ¡­ as; not so/as¡­as

4. The subjects they learn.

Chinese, English, maths, physics, politics, art, PE, music, history, geography, biology, chemistry

5. New words

rob, hard-working

Teaching procedures:

a). Organizing the class

greetings and a duty report.

b). Revision

Dictate some words: while, repair, alone, steering wheel, breathe, diver, jump, another, ring, be worried about

c). Ask and answer

Students answer the question, ¡°What were doing between 12:30 and 3:30 last night?¡± according to the picture, then give their own answers. Try to find out the ¡°robber¡±.

Explain the word rob. rob means ¡°to steal money or property from a person or bank¡± etc. robber is a person who steals money or property.

d). Practise

Students ask and answer questions in pairs, then share their answers with the whole class.

Hard-wording means ¡°working with a lot of effort¡±.

e). Explaining and Practice

Students compare the subjects after the model ¡°not so/as¡­as¡±.

Here are some other things to compare.

1. rice, noodles, dumplings, mooncake, porridge, etc ¡­.(not) as delicious as ¡­

2. basketball, football, volleyball, tennis, baseball, etc ¡­ (not) as interesting as¡­

3. elephants, monkeys dogs horses, tigers, lions, etc ¡­.(not) as big/lovely/strong, etc.as¡­

f). Homework

1. Review the grammar for today.

2. Prepare sth. About ¡°Titanic¡± (film or the accident).

3. Do exercises on page 127.

g). Summary

Fill in the blanks with proper forms of ¡°rob¡± and ¡°steal¡±.

¡ªHave you ever been ?

¡ªWell, yes, I had my watch once, but I wasn¡¯t really ,because I left it in my club. All the same, someone it.

¡ªYes, though it¡¯s not the same as being of everything you are carrying. Somehow, if something is form the place where you leave it, it¡¯s not so bad as when you are personally and cannot prevent it.

Keys: robbed, stole, robbed, stole, robbed, stolen, robbed

¡¾°ËÄ꼶Ä꼶ÏÂѧÆÚ Lesson 101½ÌѧÉè¼Æ¡¿Ïà¹ØÎÄÕ£º

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