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2023-09-27 17:32:43 21好文网 英语教案


英语教学、教案用语 http://e-world365.blog.163.com/ 1. 教育方针 educational policy 2. 教学大纲 teaching program / teaching syllabus 3. 教学原则 teaching principle 4. 教学方法 teaching method 5. 学制 school system 6. 全日制学校 full time school 7. 半日制学校 half-day school 8. 重点学校 key school 9. 非重点学校 non-key school 10. 教学工作量 teaching load 11. 课堂教学 classroom teaching 12. 现场教学 on-the-spot teaching 13. 教学小结 summing-up on teaching 14. 公开课 demonstration lesson 15. 听课 visit class 16. 教学计划\教案 teaching plan/ teaching notes 17. 课题 topic 18. 课时安排 time allocation 19. 教学目的\要求 (teaching) aims and demand/ aims and requirements 20. 教学内容 (teaching) content 21. 复习 revision 22. 新课 new lesson 23. 生词和短语 new words and expressions 24. 课文 text 25. 对话 dialogue 26. 语法 grammar 27. 重点 main points/ key points 28. 难点 difficult points 29. 小考\测验\考试 quiz / test / exam 30. 日常会话 everyday English talk 31. 串讲课文 go over the text 32. 阅读 reading 33. 自由谈话 free talk 34. 复述 retelling 35. 听写 dictation 36. 改写 rewriting 37. 表演短剧 acting out a short play 38. 背诵 reciting 39. 默写 writing from memory 40. 翻译 translation 41. 做练习 do exercises 42. 练习答案 keys to exercises 43. 口试 oral test/oral exam 44. 笔试 written test/ written exam 45. 单元考试 end-of-the-unit exam 46. 期中考试 mid-term exam 47. 期末考试 final exam 48. 成绩单 report card 49. 分数 mark /grade 50. 优 Excellent / A 51. 良 Superior / B 52. 中 Average / C 53. 劣 Fail / D 54. 掌握并能运用10个生词 to learn ten new words and be able to use them in actual situation 55. 掌握课文要点并能回答问题 to grasp the main ideas of the text and be able to answer questions on them 56. 灵活运用课文中的.主要短语 to use some of the main phrases in the text freely 57. 学会使用…造句 to learn to make sentences using… 58. 进一步理解故事主题 to further understand the theme of the story 59. 提高学生的听说能力 to develop the Ss’ skills of listening and speaking 60. 提高学生的读写能力 to develop the Ss’ skills of reading and writing 61. 按老师提出的问题讨论 to discuss according to the questions presented by the teacher 62. 就课文内容提问 to ask questions on the text 63. 教具 teaching aids 64. 教学步骤 teaching steps/ teaching procedures 65. 呈现 presentation 66. 练习/操练 practice 67. 巩固 consolidation 68. 总结 Sum up/ Summary warm-up presentation practice sum-up homework Ask the students to work in pairs and take turns to make sentences using the note (word) Ask the students to ask their partner …… …… Encourage them to make sentences . using …… Bring in pictures of people doing things that make them happy Show the students the pictures , draw stick figures on the board or mime action like …… etc Encourage the students to ask\answer …… Revise other verbs the students know using the picture or mimes Write the verbs for the activities Ask the students to repeat after the cassette Play the pupils book cassette for the students and ask them to say sentences after the cassette 操练 Ask the students to role-play the story in pairs , some pairs may like to come out to th front and ace the story 活动 Tell them to look at the pictures and fill in the blanks 练习 Ask the students to look at the pictures and complete the sentences 练习 Ask the students to look at the pictures and read the dialogues 操练 Ask the students to take turns to make sentences about …… 活动 Check the answers with the students 练习




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