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2023-09-21 09:15:30 21好文网 美文语录




  1、do not, for one repulse, give up the purpose that you resolved to effect. (william shakespeare, british dramatist)

  不要只因一次失败,就放弃你原来决心想达到的目的。(英国剧作家 莎士比亚.w.)

  2、dont part with your illusions. when they are gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to live. (mark twain, american writer)


  3、i want to bring out the secrets of nature and apply them for the happiness of man. i dont know of any better service to offer for the short time we are in the world. (thomas edison, american inventor)

  我想揭示大自然的秘密,用来造福人类。我认为,在我们的短暂一生中,最好的贡献莫过于此了。 (美国发明家 爱迪生. t.)

  4、ideal is the beacon. without ideal, there is no secure direction; without direction, there is no life.( leo tolstoy, russian writer)

  理想是指路明灯。没有理想,就没有坚定的方向;没有方向,就没有生活。(俄国作家 托尔斯泰. l.)

  5、if winter comes, can spring be far behind ?( p. b. shelley, british poet )

  冬天来了,春天还会远吗?( 英国诗人, 雪莱. p. b.)

  6、if you doubt yourself, then indeed you stand on shaky ground. (ibsen, norwegian dramatist )

  如果你怀疑自己,那么你的立足点确实不稳固了。 (挪威剧作家 易卜生)

  7、if you would go up high, then use your own legs ! do not let yourselves carried aloft; do not seat yourselves on other peoples backs and heads. (f. w. nie

  tzsche, german philosopher)

  8、如果你想走到高处,就要使用自己的两条腿!不要让别人把你抬到高处;不要坐在别人的背上和头上。(德国哲学家 尼采. f. w

  one swallow does not make a summer.

  9、一燕不成夏。— taverner 泰维纳

  a man may lead a horse to the water, but he cannot make it drink.

  10、一个人可以把马带到河边,但他不能令它饮水。— heywood 希伍德

  one cannot eat one’s cake and have it.

  11、一个人不能把他的糕饼吃掉之后还留在手上。— davies 戴维斯

  time is money.

  12、时间就是金钱。— benjamin franklin富兰克林

  time and tide wait for no man.

  13、时间不等人。— scott 斯科特

  there is no rose without a thorn.

  14、没有玫瑰花是不长刺的。—ray 雷

  lookers-on see most of the game.

  15、旁观者清。—smedley 斯密莱

  beggars cann ot be choosers.


  first catch your hare.

  17、首先必须捕获兔子,然后才能宰之。— thackeray萨克雷

  victory won’t come to me unless i go to it.

  18、胜利是不会向我走来的,我必须自己走向胜利。—m. moore 穆尔

  a great man is always willing to be little.

  19、伟大的人物总是愿意当小人物的。—r. w. emerson爱默生

  cowards die many times before their deaths.

  20、懦夫在未死之前,已身历多次死亡的恐怖了 —julius caesar凯撒

  anything one man can imagine, other men can make real.

  21、但凡人能想象到的事物,必定有人能将它实现。—jules verne凡尔纳

  early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.

  22、早睡早起使人健康、富裕又聪明。—benjamin franklin富兰克林

  life is just a series of trying to make up your mind.

  23、生活只是由一系列下决心的努力所构成。—t. fuller富勒

  goals determine what you are going to be.

  24、目标决定你将成为为什么样的人。—julius erving欧文


  1、The way to learn a language is to practice speaking it as often as possible. 学习一门语言的方法就是要尽量多地练习说。

  2、Other people's interruptions of your work are relatively insignificant compared with the countless times you interrupt yourself. 别人对你工作的干扰与你自己无数次地打断自己相比,微不足道。

  3、If you don't learn to think when you are young, you may never learn. 如果你年轻时没有学会思考,那就永远学不会思考。

  4、Learning is the eye of the mind. 知识是心灵的慧眼。

  5、Don't believe that winning is really everything. It's more important to stand for something. If you don't stand for something, what do you win 不要认为取胜就是一切,更重要的是要有信念。倘若你没有信念,那胜利又有什么意义呢?

  6、No success in life merely happens. 人生中没有什么成功是纯粹偶然得来的。

  7、The shortest answer is doing. 最简单的回答就是干。

  8、Two heads are better than one. 三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮。

  9、It takes a lot of thought and effort and downright determination to be agreeable. 要做到与人融洽相处,需要仔细地思考,认真地努力和痛下决心。

  10、To sensible men, every day is a day of reckoning. -J.W.Gardner对聪明人来说,每一天的时间都是要精打细算的'。

  11、good is good, but better carries it. 精益求精

  12、Relax! be patient and enjoy yourself. learning foreign languages should be fun. 放松点!要有耐性,并让自己快乐!学习外语应该是乐趣无穷的。

  13、Great hopes make great man. 伟大的理想造就伟大的人。

  14、God helps those who help themselves. 天助自助者。

  15、if you want to be happy, make yourself useful.让自己做一个有用的人,这样才能获得幸福。、It is no use doing what you like; you have got to like what you do. 不能爱哪行才干哪行,要干哪行爱哪行。

  16、Growth in wisdom may be exactlyi measured by decrease in bitterness. 智慧的增长可用痛苦的减少来精确衡量。

  17、A great man once said it is necessary to dill as much as possible, and the more you apply it in real situations, the more natural it will become. 一位伟人曾说,反复操练是非常必要的,你越多地将所学到的东西运用到实际生活中,他们就变得越自然。

  18、Only the selfless can be fearless. 无私才能无畏。

  19、When work is a pleasure, life is joy! When work is duty, life is slavery. 工作是一种乐趣时,生活是一种享受!工作是一种义务时,生活则是一种苦役。

  20、A man should keep his friendship in constant repair. 只有经常“浇灌”,方能保持友谊长地久

  21、The force of the wind tests the strength of the grass. 疾风知劲草。

  22、Very often a change of self is needed more than a change of scene. 改变自己往往改变更为需要。

  23、All things are difficult before they are easy. 凡事必先难后易。

  24、When the night is darkest, dawn is nearest. 夜最黑时,黎明最近。

  25、Learning any language takes a lot of effort. but don't give up. 学习任何语言都是需要花费很多努力,但不要放弃。

  26、Nothing is impossible for a willing heart. 心之所愿,无所不成。

  27、Rome wasn't built in a day. work harder and practice more. your hardworking will be rewarded by god one day. god is equal to everyone! 冰冻三尺,非一日之寒。更加努力地学习,更加勤奋地操练,你所付出的一切将会得到上帝的报答,上帝是公平的。、Something attempted, something done. 有所尝试,就等于有所作为。

  28、Whoever is in a hurry shows that the thing he is about is too big for him. 不管是谁,匆匆忙忙只能说明他不能从事他所从事的工作。










